What is this "Pink Penis Tutu Ballet" ?

Draft Text subject to change

Witch-hunting has a long history. A new variation came to life recently in the microcosm of Second Life when the following notecard was sent by group notices:


Title: "For all people that are against herassment and terrorism on SL

Hi, friends,

You may have heard that Igor Ballyhoo deleted his account on July 23, 2011 (you can still find his profile, I think it takes about six months for it to be removed). The reason for this was he could no longer endure the persistent bullying and ongoing harassment by SaveMe Oh. She has been attacking him for the past year or so, part of this has been ongoing on her blog, part of it has been at gallery openings and part of it has been via private IM.

Many of the Art groups, and also CARP, discussed earlier tonight what could be done about this. We want Igor back and SaveMe to be removed. While there is still some RL business that needs to be affirmed before any action can be taken, letters from art houses and art groups could greatly contribute and also personal letters from creaters and art lovers like you. Also we will look into steps that can be taken in RL concerning the blog where she writes her lies and harrasses innocent people.

While we realize this is not an easy undertaking, we want to move forward with our plan. SaveMe Oh has terrorized SL long enough and nothing has ever been done about it. We ask you for your support in the form of a Letter of Complaint addressed to Rhett Linden, Director of Experience, Linden Lab. Drop it in his profile. The more people show that the terrorism Saveme Oh is acting out on SL is not longer possible, the more chance there is she will be removed from SL forever.

Thank you.

(no signature)


A tutu was flying nearby and we decided to use it as a sign of resistance against such an attempt of witch-hunting.

But we soon discovered that the tutu was a planet in itself and are now exploring it: "we want to move forward with our plan".

More links on the background of this story:

+ savemeoh.wordpress.com/2011/07/27/burn-the-witch/

+ www.flickr.com/photos/7486535@N03/5985570572/

+ sorornishi.blogspot.com/2011/07/art-of-saveme-oh.html

+ nordanomjorden.wordpress.com/2011/08/02/metamorphosis-ope...